Live Life on Purpose
Empowering leaders to break through to the next level by, Putting Doubt to Death, Igniting their Passion and Connecting to the Heart of People.
A Message from Steve
Are You Ready to Live a More Fulfilling Life?
Are you, sick and tired of being sick and tired, running aimlessly and exhausted, feeling out of balance, or just down right stuck? It's time to make an abrupt shift and take back your life!
- Live with intentionality
- Deepen your relationships
- Find your purpose
- Find your passion
- Take your life to the next level
Schedule Your DISCovery Call and Take the First Step Toward a Richer, More Fulfulling Life
My experience to date with coach Stephen has been enlightening. I felt my personal experience and mentorship was a priority to coach with every encounter. There has been a level of challenge to think and act that other leadership coaching styles never address. The individual (one on one) time to process goals, fears, and results make the journey of working with coach a great experience.
Personally, the biggest results I have experienced during my coaching with Stephen has been personal reflection and growth. I have a greater confidence in leadership ability I bring to my teams and organization. What coach Stephen truly helps individuals, particularly me with is finding their own voice and the clarity to make their vision a reality.
I would recommend coach for any and all leaders interested in making a difference with their respective community, employees, and organization. Coach Stephen is a tremendous resource to those he works with and is a welcoming force to those he knows he can help. I believe Coach Stephen would make an immediate and long lasting positive impact on any level of organizational associate from entry level to CEO. There is a special quality of Coach Stephen to reach people of all walks of life and earn their trust. From my own experiences, I know his leadership coaching to be first rate because my mind was challenged to think beyond the everyday routine and strive for the best scenario possible. Then, there were discussions on how to achieve those goals. The meetings and time spent with Coach have yielded impactful results that benefit not only my personal growth, but the employees and community I serve. I have become a greater leader due to the mentoring of Coach Stephen that I am extremely grateful for.
Chris Lopez
I have had the opportunity to work with Coach Stephen in a group setting and 1 on 1 coaching and let me tell you he never disappointments. Coach Stephen has dynamic energy in group settings that makes you feel excited, motivated, and ready to take in everything he has to say. In the group HBC Coach Stephen provided solid content every week that helped every member grown individually as well as collectivity in their business and personal lives. In my 1 on 1 coaching sessions Coach Stephen challenges me to think differently and see my life as I have never seen it before. The questions he asks gets down to the core of who you are, what you want, and even more importantly what you need. My life is being reshaped by Coach Stephen and I will forever be grateful I have Coach in my corner.
The area of my life I have seen the most impact while working with Coach Stephen is my personal life. Understanding root causes of things I do, how I think and why is helping me to see myself, my life, my business, and my dreams differently. With the help of Coach, I am shedding off old habits, mindsets, and behaviors and forming new ones that will take me further in life and leave me more fulfilled.
Hands down, I would recommend Coach, ABSOLUTELY!! Sometimes you work with a coach that helps you in one overall aspect of life. Working with Coach he helps me grow as a mother, wife, business owner, friend, community leader, and most important Coach helps me to grow and better understand who I am, like really who I am and want to be. At the end of the day, Coach helps me figure out how I want to show up in life and then pushes me to show up.
I would recommend coach to work with my beauty squad team. I have so many amazing people apart of my company that are doing their own thing and killing it and I know that he would be a great asset to their lives.
The Beautiful Life LLC
Coach Stephen was an amazing to our organization. He is able to use his professional training to assist me how to grow a leader in my department. He has used John Maxwell’s Leadership style to bring forward my strengths and weaknesses. He has assisted and challenged me to grow and has provided me with tools to use to better serve those in the organization and help the me live up to their potential. Through the tools he has provided, I am able to live the mission of “Sharing God’s Love by Inspiring Health, Wholeness and Hope”.
By using tools such as the DISC Method I am now able to understand why I respond the way I do, and why others react differently at times. This has been instrumental in working with other educators, management and staff. I can present myself better, listen to their needs and not focus on my own agenda.
I most definitely recommend Coach Steve to anyone that is desiring to learn more about themselves, others, and to be challenged to be the best version of themselves. With his strong faith in Christ, he models a “Servant Leadership” style that is both inspiring and challenging. Honestly, his coaching style has helped me both personally and professionally.
I would recommend Coach to work with staff that is desiring to grow in their leadership skills. I would also recommend him to anyone that is interested in growing their skillset to include: improving communication, problem solving, delegation, empathy, creativity and active listening skills.
Kimberly Damron